Right now I am in my living room watching V and A play. V is almost three now, and A is 13 months old. These two little munchkins have grabbed hold tight to my heart and wrapped around it.
I may do differently next time:
When we first got licensed to do foster parenting we were licensed for one child. The next year we got licensed for two, because - I said - in case a sibling group of two comes up, we would be able to take both of them in. As you know, these boys are not related, but now that they have settled in - and gotten older - things are not quite as chaotic as they were. But with two children we have double everything, as I've written about before. The double everything does get old. I'm just saying.
I would do the same next time:
We had had V for about a year when we got the call about A needing a home. When I got the call, I didn't think about having double everything. My first thought was a little child being taken away from everything he's ever known, and being plunged into the world of foster care. Of course I said yes. When I first saw him he seemed so small to me. Would I say yes again? You betchya.
Today our schedule is all about off and running. A has his well check appt. at the pediatrician, then a visit with Mom a couple of hours after that. In between those times we will attempt to eat lunch. Then it will be time to come home, down for a nap, then off to pick up my son from school. Oh, and don't forget scouts later this afternoon. Then home for dinner, homework.... you get the idea.
Now, where is that book of mine on time management??....